
Abdolrahman Abdoulmoktader M

Eco Science Journals

Editor Name: Abdolrahman Abdoulmoktader M


Designation: lecturer


Country: Egypt


University: Fayoum univeristy


Email: aam16@fayoum.edu.eg

00966554664021 / 00201010704287


Abdelrahman Abdelmoktader Mohamed is currently working as lecturer of medical microbiology, Faculty of medicine, Fayoum university, Egypt and microbiologist & infection control officer in Fayoum university hospital.

Teaching Experience:

1- Worked as assistant lecturer (4 Year) in Microbiology department at Faculty of medicine, Fayoum University, Egypt.

2- Five years teaching experience at M.Sc level students in Microbiology and immunology department.

3- Delivered classes and practical training for B. Sc students in microbiological identification of pathogenic microorganisms and immunological diseases.

4- Delivered classes for health care worker in control of cross hospital infection.


Educational Qualification:


1-    MD medical bacteriology and infection control(2017), Faculty of medicine, Fayoum university, Egypt. (topic:Toll like receptor polymorphism in Egyptian patient with behcet disease).

2-    M.Sc in medical microbiology and immunology(2013), Faculty of medicine, Fayoum university, Egypt. (topic: Foxp3 polymorphism in Egyptian patient with behcet disease).

3-    Bsc of internal medicine and general surgery Faculty of medicine, Fayoum university, Egypt. (2005).


1.     Marwa A. Al. Olfat G. Shake, Mohammed El alazrak,Marma N. AbdelHafez, Abeer A. Khalefa, Nada A Hemeda , Abdelrahman Abdelmoktader and Fatma A. Ahmed(2020)Association analyses of a genetic variant in long non coding RNA MEG3 with breast cancer susceptibility and serum MEG3 expression level in Egyptian population. Cancer Biomarkers 28(2020) 49-63.

2.     El Saftawy EA andAbdelmoktader A(2020) A Holistic Review    on    Choroloquine    /Hydroxychloroqune    prasitic therapeutics.Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ) 4(2020): 16000243.

3.     Olfat G. Shaker, Rania H Mahmoud, Omayma O abdelaleem, Abdelrahman Abdelmoktader Mohamed, Othman M Zaki, Noha K Abdelghaffar , Tarek I Ahmed , Nada F HEMEDA , Naglaa A Ahmed and Dina F Mansour (2019). LncRNAs , MALAT1 and LNC-dc as potential biomarkers for multiplesclerosis diagnosis .Biosci Rep (2019) 39(1) BSR20181335.

4.     Esmat GED1, Goma AA2, Ali Hasan E2, Moawad SA2 andAbdelmoktader A3* (2019). Hepatitis C Virus Pathophysiology and Diagnosis. Virol Immunol J 2019, 3(1): 000204. DOI: 10.23880/vij-16000204.

5.     A. Abdelkader,Rasha H. Bassyouni, Ahmed Ashraf Wegdan, , Roba M Talaat and Iman Bassyoni (2018). Genetic Association of Promoter FOXP3 Gene Polymorphism with Behcet's disease in Egyptians patients. Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ), 2(2): 000147.

6.     A. Abdelmoktader. (2018). Regulatory T cells and transcription factor (FOXP3).Clinical Biotechnology andMicrobiology, 2 ( 1 ): 2018.

7.     A. Abdelmoktader. (2018)Genetic Evidence in Behcet Disease Pathogensi Genetic Evidence in Behcet Disease Pathogensis. Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ). 2018, 2(1): 000136.

8.     A. Abdelmoktader(2017) Role of cytokines in Behcet Disease Pathogensis. Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ). 2017, 1(4):000120.

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