
Dr. Hannah Pflieger

Eco Science Journals

Editor Name: Hannah Pflieger

Country: France 

Designation: Head of Clinic Assistant - DESCQ Digestive Surgery

Department: Digestive, Colo-Rectal and Bariatric Surgery

Email:  hannah.pflieger@gmail.com 


Digestive, Colo-Rectal and Bariatric Surgery - Pavillon D, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Head of Department: Prof. M. Adham

Visceral Surgery and Colo-Proctology - Pavilion V, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Head of Department: Prof. X. Barth / Federation of Digestive Surgery: Prof. M. Adham

Digestive, Colo-Rectal and Bariatric Surgery - Pavillon D, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Head of Department: Prof. M. Adham

Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemein -, Viszeral- und Thoraxchirurgie - UKE, Hamburg, Germany

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Med. Teacher. hr J.R. Izbicki

General, Digestive and Oncology Surgery - Lyon Sud Hospital Center, Lyon

Head of Department: Prof. O. Glehen

Digestive and Emergency Surgery - Michallon Teaching Hospital, Hôpital Nord, Grenoble

Head of Department: Pr J.-L. Faucheron

Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery - Pavillon D, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Head of Department: Pr C.Gouillat

General and Digestive Surgery and Hepatic and Intestinal Transplantation Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon

Head of Department: Pr C. Ducerf

Endocrine Surgery - Hospital Center Lyon Sud, Lyon

Head of department: Pr. J.-L. Peix

Visceral Surgical Emergencies - Pavillon G, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyon

Head of department: Pr. X. Barth

General Surgery (Visceral Specialty) - Fleyriat Hospital, Bourg-en-Bresse

Head of Department: Dr. B. Gerbaud

Adult and Infant Cardiac Surgery - Louis Pradel Cardiology Hospital, Lyon

Head of Department: Prof. J. Ninet


1. University Paris Sud XI, Faculty of Medicine of Kremlin-Bictre P.C.E.M. and D.C.E.M. Internships in the services of: Digestive Surgery (Prof. Gayral, Kremlin-Bictre University Hospital), Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Hepatic Transplantation (Prof. Castaing, Paul Brousse Hospital, Villejuif), General Surgery Oncology (Dr. Elias, IGR, Villejuif) 

2. Baccalaureat Scientific Series, Specialty Mathematics - Lyce Blaise Pascal, Orsay


1. B Trilling, H Pflieger, J.-L. Faucheron  Decreased blood flow to the posterior anal canal shown during Doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation explains anodermal ischemia in anal fissure - Tech Coloproctol, 2017 May

2. Dupr A, Melodelima D, Pflieger H, Chen Y, Vincenot J, Kocot A, Langonnet S, Rivoire M  Thermal Ablation of the Pancreas With Intraoperative High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound: Safety and Efficacy in a Porcine Model  Pancreas, 2017 Feb;46(2):219-224.


1. H Pflieger, Y Vashist, J Izbicki, M Adham  Lyon Hamburg experience in 250 non functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors  HBP Surg, Lyon, 13 Novembre 2015  Communication orale

2. H Pflieger, A Pasquer, E Pelascini, M Robert - Complication rare de l™anneau gastrique  Socit de chirurgie, Lyon, 23 octobre 2015  Communication orale

3. H Pflieger, D Voirin, A Rostum, F Reche, JL Faucheron - Study of the Location of Low Perirectal Arteries during Doppler-Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation and Recto Anal Repair (HAL-RAR): the Principle of the three Hemorrhoidal Cushions revisited in 150 Consecutive Patients  ASCRS, Boston, 1er juin 2015 - Poster

4. H Pflieger, D Voirin, A Rostum, F R¨che, JL Faucheron - ‰tude de la localisation des art¨res prirectales basses au cours du traitement de la maladie hmorro¯daire par ligature sous contr´le Doppler avec ou sans mucopexie - Congr¨s de l™AFC, Paris, 3 Octobre 2014  Communication orale

5. H Pflieger, F R¨che  Prsentation de cas : Neurostimulateur gastrique dans la gastroparsie sv¨re  41¨mes Journes Chirurgicales de Grenoble, Grenoble, 30 janvier 2014  Communication orale

6. H Pflieger, M Adham  A Klatskin Tumor  EFSIDS, HBP Course, Lyon, 15 novembre 2013  Communication orale

7. H Pflieger, A Dupr, Y Chen, D Melodelima, J Vincenot, M Rivoire  Traitement du cancer du pancreas par Ultrasons Focaliss de Haute Intensit (HIFU) : tude prclinique sur mod¨le porcin  Congr¨s de l™AFC, Paris, 4 Octobre 2013  Communication orale

8. JL Peix, H Pflieger, JC Lifante - Juvenil Primary Hyperparathyroidism 82nd Argentine Congress of Surgery - Buenos Aires, Argentina, Novembre 2011  Communication orale

9. H Pflieger, A Mulliri, L Gruner, X Barth, O Monneuse - Prise en charge des occlusions aigu«s de l'intestin grªle en 2010 : tude prliminaire d'une srie rtrospective de 134 patients  Socit Franco-italienne de Chirurgie, Marseille, 24 Juin 2011  Communication Orale.

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