
Dr. Hassan Abdel-Wahed Abd-Alla Shora

Eco Science Journals

Editor Name: Dr. Hassan Abdel-Wahed Abd-Alla Shora

Country: Egypt

Designation: HEAD of medicine & Diabetes Center, Ismailia General Hospital

Department: Endocrinology

Email: shora_hassan@hotmail.com 

Research Interest: Adiponectin, adipose tissue, obesity, atherosclerosis, diabetic micro vascular complications, cardio metabolic risk, novel anti-inflammatory therapies MoAb, CVD prevention


Academic and clinical Qualifications:

• Physician Recognition Award of American Medical Association (Am CME Board) 

• Jun 2003- 2006 renewed April2007-April 2010.

• 4000 category 1 credit hours for PRA of American Medical Association, 2002-2018, 

• Int Med MSc., of Cardiology 1st part, 2000 Diploma of Medicine, 1995 

• MB ChB, July, 1988.

• House officer, 1989-90 

• Rural physician 1990-91 

• Resident of Medicine & nephrology 1991-94

• Resident of cardiology & nephrology 1994-96.

• Resident, Internal Medicine, Al-Noor specialist Hospital, Mecca, KSA, 1997-1998. 

• Internist & nephrologist 1996-2000 .

• Consultant Internist 2014-2015 & Currently Head of Dept Int Med. Consultant & Head of medicine & Diabetes Center, Ismailia general Hospital 2012 -present.

• Member of supervising committee of PhD & MSc theses in biochemistry/molecular biology, Port Said University.

• Lecturer, Egyptian Board of Medicine, Ismailia, Egypt.


1. Shora, H. New trends in the management of acute diarrhea: Research and understanding of a medical student, Diarr News,1984.

2. Shora, H. Knowledge and beliefs of mothers towards acute diarrhea and dehydration in Suez Canal Community. Proc Int Conf ,WHO, Madras, India,1995.

3. Atwa H, Shora H, Fahmy H, .Normal adiponectin and glycemic control could delay subclinical atherosclerotic changes in lean type 1 diabetic children. J Med Sci, 2011:1-7.

4. Atwa, H., Shora, H., Afifi, A. Glycemic control could reverse subclinical atherosclerotic changes and adiponectin level in normoalbuminuric type1 diabetic children. Hormone Research in Pædiatrics. 2011;76:74.

5. Atwa H, Shora H, Elsayed A., surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis in Egyptian children with type1 diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Investigation 2012, Volume 3 Suppl.1:226. 

6. Atwa H, Gad K, Hagrasy H, Elkelany A, MD; Azzam M, Bayoumi N Gobarah A Shora H. Is subclinical atherosclerosis associated with visceral fat and fatty liver in adolescents with type 1 diabetes?. Arch Med Sci DOI: https://doi.org/10.5114/aoms.2018.74226

7. Barakat A. El-deen I, Shora H, Abd El-Samee E, Abdel Aziz T. Correlation of Iron Binding Stores with Cardiometabolic risks in Obesity and Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Egyptian population. Acta Velit Vol: 4 Issue: 1, 2017.

8. Barakat A, Shora H, El-deen I, Abd El-Samee E. Inflamatory biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk in obese Egyptian type 2 diabetics. Med. Sci. 2017, 5, 25; doi:10.3390/medsci5040025

9. Shora H, Barakat L, El-deen I, Abdel-Sameah, E. Urinary adiponectin concentration is positively correlated with cardiometabolic risk in Egyptian type 2 diabtics. Under publication

10. Farsang C. Indications for and utilization of angiotensin receptor II blockers in patients at high cardiovascular risk. Vasc Health Risk Manag.2011:7;605–622.

11. Cernes R., Mashavi M, Zimlichman R. Differential clinical profile of candesartan in comparison to other angiotensin receptor blockers. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2011:7;749–759.14 

12. Shankman SA, Nadelson J, McGowan SK Sovari AA, Vidovich MI. The predictive power of depression screening procedures for veterans with coronary artery disease. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2012;8:233-8.

13. Hamano. K Nakadaira I Suzuki, J Gonai, M. N-terminal fragment of probrain natriuretic peptide is associated with diabetes microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. Vasc Health Risk Manag.2014:10 585–589.

14. Shailesh F. Singla, S Sureddi R. Deshmukh A. Paydak H.A patient with mexiletine-related psychosis. Int J Gen Med 2011:4;765–766.

15. Rodrigues, AN Abreu, GR Resende.RS Goncalves WLS Gouvea, SA. Cardiovascular risk factor investigation: a pediatric issue. Int J Gen Med 2013:6;57–66.

16. Di Pierro F and Settembre R. Preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial carried out with a fixed combination of S-adenosyl-L-methionine and betaine versus amitriptyline in patients with mild depression. Int J Gen Med. 2015;8:73–78.

17. Groom Z., Protopapas A.,Zochios V. Tropical diseases of the myocardium: a review. Int J Gen Med 2017:10 101–111

18. Cui L, et al, Analysis of the metabolic properties of maintenance hemodialysis patients with glucose-added dialysis based on high performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2013;9:417-425.

19. Lee C Y, et al. Risk factors for mortality in Asian Taiwanese patients with methanol poisoning. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2014;10:61-67.

20. Bertolotti G, Moroni L, Burro R, Spanevello A, Pedretti RF, Giorgetti G. Shortened questionnaires to assess anxiety and depression during in-hospital rehabilitation: clinical validation and cutoff scores. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Oct 12;12:2627-2633. eCollection 2016.

21. Derosa G Maffioli P. Optimizing glycemic control: clinical utility of exenatide prolonged release injection. Research and Reports in Endocrine Disorders 2012:2;41–51.

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