
Fadi Al Hussain

Eco Science Journals

Editor Name: Fadi Al Hussain

Country: Syria

University: Damascus University

Educational Qualification: D.D.S, faculty of the Dentistry Damascus University of Syria

Designation: Vice Dean for administrative Affairs

Department: Dentistry

Email:  Fahu80@gmail.com 


Primary Dental Qualification 

1998-2003:   D.D.S, faculty of the Dentistry Damascus University of Syria.

Additional Qualifications: 

• 2014: PHD in Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Damascus University –Damascus. Syria .(the treatment of  abscess by laser ,ozone , and other techniques) 

• 2009: Master in Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Damascus University –Damascus .Syria .(the treatment of hypersensitivity by use laser and other techniques 

• 2006: Post-Graduate Diploma specialty in Operative dentistry   (restorative dentistry and Endodontics), (Damascus University).

• 2003: Bachelor of Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Damascus University- Damascus –Syria.

• 2002: Dental Course in modern dentistry and Implantation -Wuerzburg University –Germany.


• 2017-2018: Vice Dean for administrative Affairs – Faculty of Dentistry.

• 2014-now: Assistant Professor of Endo in Syrian private university (spu).

• 2018-NOW: Assistant Professor of Endo in NATIONAL DENTAL CENTER.

• 2014-2017: Lecturer Professor of Endo in Damascus University.

• 2004- 2012: Supervisor on the practical aspects of the dental Treatment (ENDO) by the Students in the college of Dentistry, Damascus University.

• 2009 till 2014: Supervisor on the practical aspects of the dental Treatment (ENDO) by the Students in the college of Dentistry, Syrian private university (spu).

• 2004 - till now: Working in my own Praxis in aljesser al abiad Damascus – Syria.

• 2015-now: Speaker and  Supervisor (n many courses in Endodontic – preparation and obscuration the canals)

• 2016: Visitor Endodontist in ALMaha centers – QATAR. Teaching endodontic dentistry subjects for  4th, 5th years Damascus university and Syrian Private University.

Residency: QATAR residency valid until end of 2018. Visitor Endodontist in al maha dental clinic (Qatar).

Membership of the Dental societies

• 2003-Now:   member of the Syrian dental association .

• 2004- Now:  member of the Syrian society of Endodontics  

• 2009-Now:   member of the DGI * Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Implantologie* the German society of Implantation

• 2017: member of the Qatarian dental association.

Researches and publication: 

• 2005: Kinds of Composites and the technical ways of their applications.

• 2007-2009: Treatment of hypersensitivity of the Teeth by the selected kinds of Laser. (MASTER)

• 2012: Comparative study between kinds of laser rays to control hypersensitivity of dental tissues. 

• 2013: The effect of laser in sterilization of the infected canals .

• 2013: The Effect of callesium hydroxide in Sterilization of the infected canals .

• 2013: The Effect of propolis in Sterilization of the infected canals .

• 2014: The effect of the soft laser and ozone gas in the disinfection of the root canals compared with pulp dressings (PHD).

• 2016: Cleaning Efficacy of difrerent three Irrgation Agitation Techniques ( Laser , Ultrasonic, and Endovac).

• 2017: Three dimentional evaluation of marginal and internal fit 1of provisional Restoration fabricated on different materials.

• 2017: Efficasy of different MTA application Technique on the apical Seal After Root end Resection.

• 2017: Comparative study of  File sepsration resistance of  two different rotary.

Congresses and Conferences

• 2001 till 2016: annual presence of the Syrian dental conferences of the (SYRIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION). 2004 till 2014: presence of all of the endodontic and operative. Treatments' Courses in the Damascus University.



• 2014: T-One file endo-rotary preparation course (Hands-on Course).

• 2015: Modern Technologies in Digital Dental X-Ray Imaging.

• 2016: Lebanese Society of Endodontology.

• 2016: Cosmetic and Implantion Conference in Al Assad hospital. 

• 2017: Course in National tests, measurement and evaluation (UNESCO Office –Beirute). 

• 2019: The conference of Damascus University.

• 2019: The conference of Homs DENTAL ASSOCIATION.


• 2014: Speaker and Supervisor (course in Endodontic – preparation and obturation the canals – Syrian private university)

• 2015: Speaker and Supervisor (course in Endodontic –preparation and obturation the canals – Irrigation by laser -Damascus – Syrian society for researshs and preventive dentistry.

• 2017: Speaker and Supervisor (course in Endodontic- Office of continuing professional development – Beirut –Lebanon.

• 2017: Speaker and Supervisor (course in Endodontic – Hama- Modern secrets in preparation and obturation the canals)

• 2017: Speaker in Hama conference for dentistry.

• 2017: Speaker in   THE FIRST CONFERENCE IN LASER (Syrian private university).

• 2017: Speaker in the Medication in Dentistry (Syrian private university). 


• 2017: Speaker in THE FIRST (Syrian private university CONFERENCE).

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